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Saudi Society for Palliative care

Saudi Society for Palliative care is a scientific society under the umbrella of the Saudi Commission For Health Specialties aiming to Introduce the palliative medicine in our society in the right context and to Unify the efforts of palliative medicine specialists to improve the services available to patients.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to excel in promoting the development of high quality palliative care that ensures relieving suffering and improving the quality of life for patients and families facing the multifaceted problems associated with life threatening conditions.

  • Our Mission
  • Our Vision

    Our vision is to be a world-leading palliative care professional society in education, program development, research, and setting standards for quality care.

  • Our Vision
    • SSPC News

      Keep up to date with the latest news in health,
      including recent announcements and new research.

      The World Palliative Day 2023


      Saudi Clinial Palliative Guidelines 2019


      RSS Palliative Care Blog

      • Building sustainable and culturally inclusive palliative care in Ghana: Insights from COMPASS-Ghana September 17, 2024
        Palliative care needs a whole system approach (an integrated pathway) to meet the needs of a local population, and it can be a daunting prospect to try to introduce it in an area which has traditionally not had this approach … Continue reading →
      • The concept of a ‘prison hospice’ and the new End of Life Care Behind Bars website September 10, 2024
        Prisons can be under resourced for healthcare, resulting in high levels of unmet needs, especially for those dying in prison.  For our Equity and palliative care blog series, Barry R. Ashpole reflects on these issues, and announces the new End-of-Life … Continue reading →
      • Announcing the top 10 EAPC blogs for 2023! September 3, 2024
        Today, we are delighted to announce the top 10 EAPC blogs for 2023. The EAPC’s most read blog published in 2023 is: Palliative Medicine Editor’s Choice Max Sarmet & Ambereen K. Mehta Artificial Intelligence has no role in palliative care…or … Continue reading →
      • Costs of informal care – a wake-up call August 20, 2024
        We know that care provided by family members and friends is very important to people with a life limiting illness, but do we know how much this care would cost if provided by professional carers?  For July’s Palliative Medicine’s Editor’s … Continue reading →
      • Art by their side: ‘I’ve seen people engage… and find themselves as people again.’ August 6, 2024
        Palliative care has always had a holistic approach to support people with life limiting illness and their families. A core ambition of Irish Hospice Foundation’s Arts and Cultural Engagement programme is to make art available to those receiving palliative care. … Continue reading →